num. 数词第八
n. 名词八分之一
eighth note:八分音符
The pianist played the eighth notes quickly.(钢琴家快速地弹奏八分音符。)
eighth grade:八年级
He is in eighth grade this year.(他今年上八年级。)
eighth wonder:第八大奇迹
The Great Wall is often called the eighth wonder of the world.(长城常被称为世界第八大奇迹。)
eighth month:八月
My birthday is in the eighth month.(我的生日在八月。)
eighth inning:第八局
The game was still tied in the eighth inning.(比赛在第八局时仍然打成平手。)
eighth place:第八名
She finished in eighth place in the race.(她在比赛中获得第八名。)
eighth power:八次方
Two to the eighth power is 256.(2 的八次方是 256。)
eighth day:第八天
On the eighth day, they continued their journey.(在第八天,他们继续他们的旅程。)
eighth floor:八楼
His office is on the eighth floor.(他的办公室在八楼。)
eighth wonder of the world:世界第八大奇迹
The Terracotta Army is considered one of the eighth wonders of the world.(兵马俑被认为是世界第八大奇迹之一。)
eighth hour:第八个小时
At the eighth hour, they took a break.(在第八个小时,他们休息了一下。)
eighth planet:第八颗行星
Neptune is the eighth planet from the sun.(海王星是距离太阳第八远的行星。)
eighth century:八世纪
In the eighth century, there were many great inventions.(在八世纪,有很多伟大的发明。)
eighth month of the year:一年中的第八个月
August is the eighth month of the year.(八月是一年中的第八个月。)
eighth person:第八个人
The eighth person in line was very impatient.(队伍中的第八个人非常不耐烦。)
eighth chapter:第八章
The most exciting part is in the eighth chapter.(最精彩的部分在第八章。)
eighth house:第八宫
In astrology, the eighth house is associated with transformation.(在占星术中,第八宫与转变有关。)
eighth month of pregnancy:怀孕第八个月
She is in the eighth month of pregnancy and feeling very tired.(她怀孕八个月了,感觉非常累。)
eighth anniversary:八周年纪念日
They celebrated their eighth anniversary with a romantic dinner.(他们用一顿浪漫的晚餐庆祝了他们的八周年纪念日。)