The primary source of aluminum is bauxite ore.
铝的主要来源是 铝土矿。
Australia is the largest producer of bauxite in the world.
澳大利亚是世界上最大的 铝土矿 生产国。
Refining bauxite into alumina is an energy-intensive process.
将 铝土矿 精炼成氧化铝是一个耗能的过程。
The discovery of bauxite deposits boosted the local economy.
铝土矿 矿床的发现促进了当地经济。
Many countries have large reserves of bauxite resources.
许多国家拥有大量的 铝土矿 资源储备。
Mining bauxite can have significant environmental impacts.
开采 铝土矿 可能对环境产生重大影响。
Jamaica is known for its rich bauxite deposits.
牙买加以其丰富的 铝土矿 储量而闻名。
The quality of bauxite varies from one region to another.
铝土矿 的质量因地区而异。
Aluminum production begins with the mining of bauxite.
铝的生产始于 铝土矿 的开采。
Guinea has the world's largest reserves of bauxite.
几内亚拥有世界上最大的 铝土矿 储量。
bauxite mining 铝土矿开采
bauxite reserves 铝土矿储量
bauxite processing 铝土矿加工
bauxite industry 铝土矿行业
bauxite deposits 铝土矿矿床
bauxite production 铝土矿生产
bauxite refining 铝土矿精炼